Sean frequently quips about having the “best job in the world” in being able to help train, and then coach, future landscape architects through his teaching, advisory, and professional roles. Sean’s career has integrated practice and service with teaching, attributing much of his success to the many great individuals he has worked with, in both practice and teaching. His efforts has been recognized by the CSLA, Council for Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA), the OALA, the OAC, and the University of Guelph, for teaching and administrative leadership.
Born in St. John’s NL, Sean’s perspectives on Canada and landscape were well-developed with his upbringing in many communities across Canada; within Quebec, Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. Upon graduation from Guelph’s BLA in 1989, he furthered this appreciation, especially for ‘rural, remote and smaller communities’ working with firms in Toronto, Sudbury, St. John’s, and Whistler. While Sean’s work brings him throughout Canada, he is very proud to be a ‘Canadian’ Landscape Architect, who also has much success in over 10 countries worldwide. Sean complemented his BLA with an MSc (Planning) in 1995.
Sean is an Associate Professor in Guelph’s Landscape Architecture programs, and has been serving as Director of the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development (SEDRD), since 2017. Sean was told he had a “knack for the development of others” when he first started teaching as a sessional lecturer in landscape architecture at UBC in 1996, and then in the University of Guelph’s programs. He also has taught at Mississippi State University before joining SEDRD at Guelph in 2006. Sean was Guelph’s “Appointed Educator” with the OALA for a decade, serving as a member of the OALA’s Examining Committee and as Chair of its Disciplinary Committee. Sean finds time to maintain a practice with his wife, in their own firm, pl.ural, serving interests especially in design and place-making for rural and remote communities, destination environments, and recreational amenity.