Rob Crosby began his career in Winnipeg, in 1977, as an early Garry Hilderman recruit. Garry’s mentorship stuck, transferring Robert home in 1979 to manage the Saskatoon office of Hilderman Feir Witty & Associates which, over time, evolved into Hilderman Witty Crosby Hanna & Associates and, finally, maturing into Crosby Hanna & Associates.
Rob was the first private sector landscape architect resident in Saskatoon. He resisted requests to teach drafting to the local parks department, instead focussing efforts on building the business and the profession, locally and provincially.
Rob was a Charter Member of SALA, active on the Executive, Co-Chair of CSLA Congress ’85, a member of various SALA committees, and active nationally on CSLA Board of Governors (1996-1998) and numerous initiatives including on the College of Fellows Nominations Jury.
While co-managing the firm, with Andy Hanna, MCIP, through recessions and robust times, Rob engaged a diverse clientele on a broad spectrum of projects, including the award winning Wanuskewin Heritage Park, River Landing Riverfront, and Innovation Place Research Park. He is particularly proud of ensuring the firm remained true to its prairie roots. From 2014 to 2018, Robert transitioned into full (way more relaxed) retirement, and took much of the firm’s corporate memory with him.