Mr. Rob LeBlanc holds a B.Sc from Dalhousie University, a Bachelor of Design in Environmental Planning from NSCAD University and a Masters in Landscape Architecture from the University of Guelph. He has a certificate in golf course archi-tecture from Harvard University. Rob is the past-president of APALA (2004-2006) and previously APALA’s secretary treasurer for 6 years. He is a Member of the Canadian Institute of Planners (MCIP) and currently sits on the board of Licensed Professional Planner Association of Nova Scotia (LPPANS) and on the editorial board of Landscape / Paysage magazine.
Since 1996, Rob has been the owner and senior principle of Ekistics Plan + Design and Form:Media in Dartmouth Nova Scotia. He oversees a staff off 30 design professionals ranging from landscape architects, planners, architects, environmental designers, graphic designers and engineers. In 1995, Rob spent a year as a landscape architecture lecturer at the University of Canberra in Australia.
Rob is also the president of an online software platform for consulting firms called GroupThinq (www.groupthinq.com).
He has published in numerous refereed journals on stream and watershed bioengineering and ecological restoration. Mr. LeBlanc is particularly interested in the application of evolving technology to research and design and is involved in many projects, which require the careful balance of ecological preservation and development.