After graduating from Iowa State University in 1964 with a B.Sc. in Landscape Architecture, Mr. Patrick Butler joined the City of Edmonton Parks & Recreation Department as a Design Landscape Architect and in 1965 he was appointed Chief Landscape Architect for the Province of Alberta. In 1965 he became a full member of the CSLA. Pat was a founding member of the AALA, and served as its president from 1976-1978.
In 1968, Pat established the firm of Butler Krebes & Associates, and was president of the firm until 1997, when BKA merged with ISL Engineering and Land Services. At ISL he was Principal Landscape Architect and shareholder responsible for managing interdisciplinary teams. In 2013 Pat retired from ISL and continues a consulting practice in his firm – Butler Design Group Inc.
During Pat’s career, he has completed a number of outstanding projects, including the Devonian Botanic Garden, Kurimoto Japanese Garden, Paul Kane Park, and was the prime consultant for a new sustainable urban village in Sherwood Park. Pat was instrumental in establishing the Landscape Architectural Technology program at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology and over the years has mentored many Landscape Architects throughout North America . He was past chair of the Edmonton Design Committee, a regulatory committee charged with the responsibility of raising the level of urban design in Edmonton, and currently sits on the River Valley Alliance. Pat’s commitment to community organizations and his ability to represent the profession of landscape architecture has contributed to raising the profile of landscape architects in Western Canada.