Donald James Paterson

Year of Investiture:

Category(ies) of Investiture:
Administrative Professional Work in Public Agencies of Government Services
Direct Service to the Society

Mr. Jim Paterson graduated from the University of Manitoba with a BA (Geography) degree in 1977, and a M.L.A. degree in 1982. He became a member of MALA and CSLA in 1984. He served on MALA Council for 12 years in virtually every capacity, including President, while also chairing numerous committees. During his MALA Presidency, he led the Association to its first extensive Strategic Plan.

As President of the CSLA, Jim had been passionate in his Urban Agenda initiative, remaining dedicated to elevating the role of landscape architecture in the planning and design of Canada's cities and communities. His foresight, exemplary leadership, and exceptional management skills have had a profound positive impact on the profession and the Society.

Jim began his professional career with the Lombard North Group in 1982. He was with the City of Winnipeg from 1988 until 2008 last serving as the A/Director of Planning, Property, and Development.  He moved on to Kelowna BC as the GM of Community Sustainability responsible for ‘all things planning’ in Kelowna; one of the fastest growing cities in Canada.  
Using his creative problem solving skills, he has established credibility as a landscape architect with the administration, City Council’s, and the business community. He retired from public service in 2016.

Jim has been recognized with CSLA Awards for his work on both the Seine River Greenway and the Red River Corridor Studies, while also receiving a Premier's Award for Design Excellence for the River Road Heritage Parkway.

Jim has also been recognized as a community leader by co-Charing two Kelowna United Way Annual Campaign Drives and earning the prestigious United Way Community Distinction Award.

CSLA | AAPC 12 Forillon Crescent, Ottawa ON K2M 2W5