Adrienne Brown discovered landscape architecture earlier than many of us do. When she was born her father was beginning his career with Muirhead & Justice Landscape Architects, the first private firm in Vancouver. Since completing the Landscape Technology program at the BC Institute of Technology in 1988, she has worked for various firms both full and part-time. Over the years she has contributed to projects that have included parks, shopping malls, hospitals, airports, and a good deal of multi-family residential. While raising four daughters, Adrienne has served as BCSLA Registrar, President and CSLA Representative, as well as sitting on the City of North Vancouver Advisory Design Panel for four years.
In 2005, she returned to school, and completed a degree in Environmental Geography, while creating and launching a website titled A Web Atlas of Landscape Architecture in BC. This site presents a range of significant work in one (virtual) place, and over the years, Adrienne has maintained and expanded it as a pro-bono project for the BCSLA. In 2013 she took a year out to write a biography of her parents; The Art and Life of Harry and Jessie Webb, which was published as part of the Unheralded Artists of BC series. Today while maintaining a practice that focuses on single family residential garden design, she has co-authored the new BCSLA Fee Guide with Margot Long and Emily Dunlop.
In 2017, Adrienne was appointed to the Garden Review Board of Park & Tilford Gardens, and she also gives presentations and walking tours for the Vancouver Heritage Foundation.