Life Members are retired landscape architects whom the Society names in accordance with criteria established by the Board and who have been recommended by Components.
Francis Blue
Richard Bondi
Fred Brooks
June Carrington
Douglas Carlyle
Anne Charlton
Colleen Mercer Clark
Eric Clough
William E. Coates
Brian Desloges
Ranjit Dhar
Brenda Dinnick
Gordon Dorrett
Guenter Edel
Mike Evans
Ray Foret
Gordon Forsyth
Jeffrey Frank
Karl Frank
W.R. Fraser
Frank Gasparik
John Gerstmar
Cam Gibson
Tom Gribbin
Robert Groot
John Guinan
Maurice Hamel
Gary Heine
Philip Hicks
Robert Hilton
Peter Hubbell
Toshimasa Ito
Greg Kiloh
Margaret Kwan
Egons Lazda
Jay Lazzarin
John Lerstmar
Lydia Lewycky
Jane Mather
Ken McKillop
Robert Moote
Bon Mueller
Marilyn Muleski
James Nick
Robert Norman
William Oddie
Mas Omoto
Jeffrey Pike
V.W. Poushinsky
Janis Pratt
Eunice Campbell Purdy
John Ritchie
Juri Roht
Stephen Ross
Janina Stensson
Chris Sterry
Ross Stephen
Al Tanzer
Ingrid Thiessen
David W. Tomlinson
Emiel van der Meulen
Nick Van Vliet
Alan Vaughan
Eduardo Villafranca
Jerol Wheeler
Elizabeth Whitelaw
William Yeomans