Updated March 5, 2025 - The members of the L|P Editorial Board are intended to generally represent the CSLA Board of Directors, the landscape architecture academic community, and the CSLA provincial, regional, and territorial constituent associations.
We are currently seeking representatives for the following roles:
- AALA: 1 representative
- AAPQ: 1 representative
- Student Intern
The role of the Editorial Board is to provide overall editorial direction for the national periodical Landscapes|Paysages, including:
- Ensuring that content objectives are met and that all regions of Canada are represented in the content;
- Providing direction on themes, features and special issues, and publish this plan to members;
- Encouraging members and others interested in Canadian landscape architecture to provide material and solicit material on the identified objective for any problem;
- Participating in the review of articles submitted to the periodical;
- Appointing a guest editor for each issue.
In addition to the responsibilities listed above, Editorial Board members may also choose to be guest editors for a particular issue of the magazine, to oversee specific contributions such as interviews, focus groups, etc., or coordinate special sections of magazine content, such as book reviews, recurring columns on selected topics, etc.
The Editorial Board meets once a month, for one hour, by video conference. The members of the Editorial Board are appointed for two-year, overlapping terms, subject to renewal.
If you are interested in joining the L|P Editorial Board, please forward your resume to the relevant address:
AALA: executivedirector@aala.ab.ca
AAPQ: dg@aapq.org
Student Intern: ryan.wakshinski@gov.mb.ca