College of Fellows Nomination Advice

The purpose of this advice is to guide the nominator in the planning and preparation of a College of Fellows membership nomination

It is important that the nomination comply with the requirements included in the official form and guideline. The nominator should ensure that the content and clarity of the text provides the requested information about the candidate to assist the Jury in their deliberations. The names of the nominator, endorsers and candidate are kept confidential throughout the process. 

1.  Why prepare a nomination submission?

Membership in the College of Fellows represents one of the highest honours achievable in the CSLA. It is important that those members who have demonstrated professional excellence in innovative design, education and service are recognized by becoming members of the C of F.

2. Why is the nomination process confidential? 

The nomination submission is kept confidential to ensure that the information provided by the nominator and endorsers fully discloses their experience with the candidate in a frank and forthright manner. 

3. How should a category that demonstrates the nominee's outstanding contributions to the profession be selected?  

The nominator is advised to select one primary category and highlight the excellence and strengths of the candidate's experience that are most applicable to that category.  It is strongly recommended that nominators select only one category. Only in exceptional cases should other categories be selected and to a maximum of 3. The endorsements must demonstrate the strength of the works in each category selected and it is at the jury’s discretion whether to approve of the submitted categories.
The categories are executed works of landscape architecture, administrative professional work in public agencies or government service, professional university instruction, professional writing, service to the community or the public on behalf of the profession, and direct service to the CSLA. 

4.  How should endorsers be chosen?

The nominator is charged with inviting endorsements from other professionals who have direct knowledge of the candidate and who can describe in detail their experience with their professional work.  It is recommended that each of the endorsers be selected to highlight different aspects of the candidate's expertise.  It is also recommended that the endorsers be chosen from different organizations to prevent potential bias. The content of the endorsers' letters should clearly and succinctly explain how the candidate has demonstrated exceptional skills and performance over and above the normal duties of a professional landscape architect.  

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