A study was undertaken to explore the incorporation of research into the landscape architectural design process. A review of the literature revealed five discrete models by which research is integrated into design: concept - test; analysis - synthesis; experience; complex intellectual activity; and associationist. In-depth interviews with eight landscape architecture educators and a mail-in survey of all landscape architecture educators in North America failed to confirm the utility of these five models. Instead, a different kind of model emerged from the study results. In this model, research is incorporated at three stages of the design process: before design; during design; and after design. Before design, there appear to be two categories of research: indirect (which includes intrinsic research, library research, and review of precedents and case studies) and direct (which includes site inventory and analysis). During design, research seems to have two key roles: influencing the concept generation process and the application of the concept on the site. Five models emerged for using research during design: artistic, intuitive, adaptive, analytical, and systematic. Finally, after design research has two roles: evaluation of design, and justification of design. This categorization, as elucidated by educators, provides insight into the landscape architecture design process and its communication and teaching.