The Brome-Missisquoi MRC's landscape project revolves around the creation of a regional landscape atlas by Mille Lieux, a landscape architecture cooperative. This is an innovative and unifying project due to its multidisciplinary nature and the scope it gives to a landscape characterization exercise. Much more than a simple characterisation, the project, by means of a landscape atlas, makes it possible to detect the major landscape dynamics of the region and to discover all its cultural richness through popular culture, history, geography and the view of residents. In addition to the Landscape Atlas, an important project of cultural mediation of the regional landscape called Paysages en série has been added.
Through a series of 5 oversized drawn friezes and 5 documentaries, author-artist-illustrator Stephane Lemardele, with the help of videographer Martin Morissette, as well as Marc Serre of Kuizin Studio, brings to life the Landscape Atlas and the regional landscape entities by giving voice to Bromisquois. With "Paysages en série", the Atlas comes to life. The landscape becomes an object of appropriation and artialisation by the population. The Brome-Missisquoi landscape project will continue in the years to come.