Through thoughtful use of materials and articulation of form, the Otonabee River Trail project expresses the story of Peterborough, Ontario in celebration of its one hundred and fiftieth birthday. This project also addresses the environmental needs of the degraded waterfront while reintegrating the river into the downtown core. The River Trail is designed to honour and enhance the river that has sustained communities for so long. Millennium Walkway is the backbone of the project, making a strong physical connection between the downtown and the new boathouse at the water’s edge. The Trail crosses the Millenium Walkway, following the shore, encompasing spaces for public art opportunities, community events, performing arts, festivals and outdoor markets, as well as private sector business opportunities including food service and recreational activities.Visitors and Citizens have embraced this park with active use and event participation, and a fresh understanding of our on-going responsibility for the health of the river.