"Landscape Architecture in Canada" / "Architecture de paysage du Canada" is a groundbreaking history of the development of designed landscapes in Canada, providing a single-volume overview that views landscape from broad geographical and cultural perspectives in both of Canada's official languages. The book approaches landscape architecture as a social art that creates places for people to use and as an environmental art through which practitioners act as stewards of the natural world.
Thoroughly researched, practically oriented, and grounded in the life of the country's many regions, "Landscape Architecture in Canada" is a richly illustrated and affecting narrative of the ways in which we have shaped our environment and an inimitable lens through which to view the story of Canada. This book "takes readers ... far into the past while hurtling them, eyes wide open, into the future. It expands the boundaries of landscape architecture and provides this discipline with new depth. Summing Up: Highly recommended. All levels/libraries. " (Choice, American Library Assn.)