In 2013, a devastating flood closed the newly constructed passage that diverted users around a hazardous weir. Through the Disaster Recovery Program, Alberta Transportation hired Klohn Crippen Berger, O2 and other experts to elevate the project into a recreational hot spot while achieving the primary project goals of river user safety, flood resiliency and fish passage.
For the white-water community, Harvie Passage is of high importance as it rebuilt a once deadly weir into a series of white-water drops through two channels intended for advancing skill levels. The flood resilient bank design incorporated shade trees, terraced seating, stairs and ramps for user safety and comfort.
Ecologically, Harvie Passage is near to the confluence of two tributaries, and adjacent to the Western Headworks Canal diversion and the Sam Livingstone Fish Hatchery. The project created much needed riparian and instream habitat and fish passage, as well as restoring the island’s ecosystem.