Harbourfront Centre is a project that successfully finds a balance between intense urban use and robust, hyper-natural planting, in a city heavily governed by streetscape and urban forestry guidelines. The LA-led team conceptualized how Ontario Square and Canada Square would become the new face of a cultural destination, setting the stage for an essential Toronto contemporary arts institution to grow. The new space is structured by two landscaped squares and a series of locations designated for the development of small cultural and retail buildings, which will continue to support and showcase Toronto’s diversity in the arts. Ontario Square offers visitors a generous pedestrian space to host a broad range of cultural events and comfortably accommodates caregivers and arts-camp-goers during drop-off and pick-up. A unique oculus connects the underground experience of arriving by car to the life of the plaza and welcomes visitors with the “Light Cascade.” At the water’s edge, Canada Square is a more contemplative space where visitors enjoy panoramic views of the lake.