This document was easy to understand, descriptive and extremely clear in its intent and direction. The impressive, clear thinking was solidified in the action plan. It was easy to navigate and the performance standards provide a clear, quantifiable direction for development. The graphics were a great compliment to the report text and together made this project stand out.
College Quarter is a 59 hectare (146 acre) land area owned by the University of Saskatchewan located south of the main campus area. The Master Plan framework establishes a street and block pattern; a series of linked dynamic public spaces; building massing; an open space system; tree-lined pedestrian and bicycle circulation networks; and design standards that will result in a visionary, sustainable campus environment unrivalled in Canada. The 860-metre long GreenWay is designed as the major structuring 'public realm' element of College Quarter. It is the central social "spine" that links the building-based activities and public spaces together, from north to south. College Quarter creates the "bridge' bringing the community and the main university campus together as a central focus of Saskatoon.