EDA completed the landscape development for Biovail Corporation, an international pharmaceutical company with headquarters in Mississauga. The landscape design complements the bold architecture, creating a strong visual impact that reinforces the corner site. One of the most powerful and graceful features is the massive, bi-level pool and varied-pitch waterfall that surrounds the building entrance. Landscape features focus on aspects of health and well-being: the Winter Garden Seating node is an area for contemplation, and the Therapeutic River Bed Garden with Boardwalk provides connections from the Oval Lawn, for outdoor gathering and team meetings. Other features include a jogging circuit for employees, terrace seating area with shade, and several planting nodes with strong colour and texture. EDA was recipient of the 2003 CSLA Merit Award and 2003 Mississauga Urban Design Award for this project. Anderson Associates Architects were the Prime Consultant.