Proud to participate in the 400th anniversary celebrations, the Quebec Port Authority has bequeathed the Beauport Bay project to the City of Quebec and its citizens. Just a stone's throw from downtown, the project is presented as a beach in the city, a place for family bathing with multiple recreational activities. The Port thus recognizes the interest of the site, which has been used for 20 years with its basic and outdated facilities. It is dedicating a large portion of its territory (20 hectares) and a major investment of approximately $15 million for its redevelopment.
The integrative concept chosen puts in place a range of devices that enhance the diversity of the environment's richness and allows the various populations to simultaneously visit the site in a harmonious manner. It includes nature observation (waterfowl) as well as a pedestrian and bicycle network that gives access to the shoreline and the preserved wooded areas. The central hub on the shoreline is used by a variety of users including windsurfers, families, swimmers, sailing enthusiasts, special event participants, etc. The facilities include four pavilions, each dedicated to a specific component of the program (windsurfing / offices, catering and group events / storage and sailing workshop / lookout and security).
The formalization of the design is structured by a series of curves that radiate from the central hub. Like open windows, the axial plantings offer a series of visual perspectives towards the river. At the heart of the project, a sculptural water feature provides games and refreshment for all, young and old. The materiality of the devices in place (wood, steel and concrete) recalls a maritime typology.
This project is realized on an artificial site, created by the dredging works of the port in the river. In the management of contaminated soils, some of them had to be encapsulated within bernes used as visual screens along the harbor. Finally, the project was delivered on budget and on time for the opening of the 2008 summer activities.