The Parliament Hill Landscape Plan is a multifaceted, longterm plan intended to guide development for this important site over the next one hundred years. The plan has been set upon a very sound foundation of numerous past studies. Developed within a highly charged atmosphere of innovation, the Parliament Hill Landscape Plan is the product of a unique and well-received process of intellectual debate and visioning that has been informed by the history of the site's development and of the plans that have shaped it. This new plan, while being extremely respectful of its heritage, takes full opportunity afforded by its magnificent and historic setting. At the same time, it attempts to solve, in an inspired and dignified way, the many complex problems facing the site of the nation's capital. The plan has successfully addressed issues relating to heritage resources, site programming, sustainability and environmental stewardship, materials and site furnishing, maintenance and life cycle costs, traffic and circulation, infrastructure and servicing, and site security.