This project is worthy of recognition as it embodies several aspects of a unique and rigorous landscape management strategy as it applies to the renewal and re-establishment of a symbolic tree canopy as rapidly and ecologically sustainable as possible.
The devastation caused by the tornado in August 2011 accelerated the need for the renewal of downtown Goderich, specifically Courthouse Square which saw the loss of 90% of the trees that made the Square such a beautiful and important amenity for the Town.
Important components of the Landscape Plan and Strategy include:
1. Developing a landscape strategy that complements and enhances the vision and principles of the greater Downtown Core Area Master Plan;
2. Developing a Plan that accounts for and accommodates the many uses and users of the park currently while instituting a new landscape and tree management model, and state of mind;
3. Establishing a diverse arboretum of more than 32 tree species and 15 shrub species;
4. Establishing an instant canopy by sourcing very large caliper trees through the collaboration with several nurseries across southwest Ontario, and;
5. Improving compacted soils and increasing nutrient levels through state-of-the-art techniques.
Lastly, the unique circumstances necessitating a Landscape Plan and Strategy provided the opportunity to educate the community on how and why the canopy loss was so significant and how to ensure a long lasting, strong, and full canopy for future generations.